
Welcome to Second Star Sticker Shop, where I sprinkle a little bit of magic onto your everyday life!  And by magic, I mean stickers. Lots and lots of stickers.

About Me

I am Erin.  I'm the owner and designer behind all of the magical stickers you see here.  I'm all about making your MagicBands shine brighter than Tinker Bell's pixie dust!  At Second Star Sticker Shop, I specialize in selling MagicBand Plus decals that will make your wrist bling like a star in the night sky, as well as stickers to bring a little extra magic to everyday mundane items.

My MagicBand skins are not your average run-of-the-mill stickers. Oh no, these babies are durable and waterproof, so they'll stick around (pun intended) through all your magical adventures. Whatever character, movie, park or attraction is your favorite, I've got designs that will make your heart skip a beat.

History - My Fantasy Bands

I originally founded this shop in 2014, doing business as My Fantasy Bands.  MFB was one of the VERY FIRST shops to offer skins for Disney MagicBands.  My vibrant original designs and decal durability quickly grew my brand to be a Disney Parks Fan Favorite.

My Fantasy Bands led me and my family on many grand adventures across more than 5 years.  The shop allowed us to afford several magical Disney vacations together.  I worked with a number of other incredible artists and small shop owners, including former Disney Imagineer Terri Hardin.  I met countless "Fantasy Fans" and customers in the parks, and made some very special lifelong friends.  

End of an Era

Like so many businesses, MFB saw a steep drop in sales when Covid hit (sad face).  I reluctantly closed my shop.  Graphic design jobs were sparse as companies put a pause on hiring, and let go of many in-house creatives.  I took on a number of odd jobs, both creative and otherwise, and spent the next few years doing whatever it took to help my family make ends meet. 

Rebrand and New Shop

Fast forward to 2024, and the post-Covid world feels almost back to normal.  I've missed my Disney community so very much!  I also missed the joy and fufillment that designing Disney-inspired illustrations brought to me. 

Rebranding gives me the flexibility to expand beyond just MagicBand skins.  Second Star Sticker Shop is here to offer you unique ways to add a bit of magic to everyday objects with my multi-purpose stickers. They are not only vibrant and eye-catching, but also scratch-resistant and waterproof.  You can stick them on just about ANYTHING

So, whether you're heading to the happiest place on earth or just want to add a touch of enchantment to your everyday life, Second Star Sticker Shop has got you covered. Join me on this magical journey and let your imagination run wild!